This class takes care of the constraints for ToyRobot
and also calls the required commands
for the ToyRobot
to do the actual moving, change direction and report.
It can be considered to be a regular function with a state self.robot
It can be called just as a function passing in a list of args or nothing at all.
If no args are passed, then the ArgumentParser
is run to get arguments from the command line. Otherwise, for testing some args can
also be passed.
This function reads the text file line by line, removes comma and whitespace and splits the
string command to get actual arguments. Then based on these arguments the actual commands on
are called.
If 'PLACE' command is seen, then a new robot is created and assigned to self.robot if
it is a valid 'PLACE' command.
A valid command is one that places the ToyRobot
inside the Table
Otherwise, if the command is not valid then no ToyRobot
is instantiated and all other commands
are ignored until a valid 'PLACE' command is seen.
If there are two 'PLACE' commands inside the .txt file, then
- both will run if they are both valid.
- only valid command will run if one is valid.
- no robot will be created if both are invalid.